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upcoming [2019/11/19 11:44]
upcoming [2022/06/10 10:43] (current)
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 ===== Upcoming Megagames ===== ===== Upcoming Megagames =====
-The following games are planned for the upcoming spring (Last update: 19<sup>th</sup> of November 2019):+The following games are planned for the upcoming spring (Last update: 10<sup>th</sup> of June 2022):
 |Game|By|Location|Date| |Game|By|Location|Date|
-|[[|Bad Moon Rising]] -- Cold War on the Moon, 1970|Jim Wallman|London|22 February| +|[[sengoku:introduction|Sengoku Roku]] -- Power Politics in Old Japan|Jim Wallman|Malden|2 July| 
-|[[|Who will watch them]] -- Super heroes, super villains and vigilantes while crime finghting in New York|Jonathan Pickles|London|9 May| +
-|[[sengoku:introduction|Sengoku Roku]] -- Power Politics in Old Japan|Jim Wallman|Nijmegen|16 May|+
upcoming.1574163867.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2019/11/19 11:44 by marcs