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start [2019/11/19 11:26]
marcs [What is Stichting Megagames Nederland?]
start [2024/04/20 11:23] (current)
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 Games organised by Stichting Megagames NL and the Megagame Makers UK: Games organised by Stichting Megagames NL and the Megagame Makers UK:
-| [[sengoku:introduction|Sengoku Roku]] | 16 May 2020 in Nijmegen, Power Politics in Old Japan |+| [[mg24:introduction|Operation Market Garden IV]] | 19 October 2024 in Malden | 
 +| [[|De Bello Gallico]] | 15 Juni in Veldhoven (in cooperation with Roll The Dice) | 
 +| [[wts:introduction|Watch the Skies]] | 3 June 2023 in Zwolle | 
 +| [[wts:introduction|Watch the Skies]] | 1 April 2023 in Malden (full, waitinglist) | 
 +| [[sengoku:introduction|Sengoku Roku]] | 2 July 2022 in Malden (Due to the Corona virus outbreak in 2020, this game was postponed until we could organise it safely), Power Politics in Old Japan |
 | [[dbg:introduction|De Bello Gallico III]] | 23 March 2019 in Nijmegen. Caesar in Gaul | | [[dbg:introduction|De Bello Gallico III]] | 23 March 2019 in Nijmegen. Caesar in Gaul |
-| [[nelly:introduction|God's sake Nelly, why didn't you marry him?]] | 12 May 2018 in Braunfels, Germany. The Seven Days' Battles of the American Civil War|+| [[nelly:introduction|God's sake Nelly, why didn't you marry him?]] | 12 May in Braunfels, Germany. The Seven Days' Battles of the American Civil War|
 | [[dbg:introduction|De Bello Gallico II]] | 24 March 2018 in Brussel. Caesar in Gaul | | [[dbg:introduction|De Bello Gallico II]] | 24 March 2018 in Brussel. Caesar in Gaul |
 | [[urpub:Introduction|The Freedom of Urr]] | 27 January 2018 in Nijmegen. Siege of the Free City of Urr| | [[urpub:Introduction|The Freedom of Urr]] | 27 January 2018 in Nijmegen. Siege of the Free City of Urr|
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 | Operation Market Garden 2004 | April 2004 in Nijmegen. Operation Market Garden.| | Operation Market Garden 2004 | April 2004 in Nijmegen. Operation Market Garden.|
-Megagames are also organised in the United Kingdom by the [[|Megagame Makers]] and the [[|Pennine Megagames]] and in Belgium by the Belgian Megagame makers. Follow this [[upcoming|link]] to get an overview of the upcoming megagames in Western Europe. +Megagames are also organised in the United Kingdom by the [[|Megagame Makers]] and the [[|Pennine Megagames]] Follow this [[upcoming|link]] to get an overview of the upcoming megagames in Western Europe. 
-See also [[|What is a Megagame?]] by the Megagame-makers+ 
 +We also created a [[|facebook]] page to share the announcements and discuss games. You are welcome to join that page.
start.1574162809.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2019/11/19 11:26 by marcs