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how_to_pay [2014/05/20 12:33]
marcs [Within the Netherlands]
how_to_pay [2015/12/09 09:24] (current)
marcs [Outside the Netherlands]
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 Banks use a communication system called SWIFT to send and receive messages. The Bank Identifier Code or short BIC serves as a unique identifier for all banks on the SWIFT network. You should be able to see the BIC of your own bank on your paper bank statement.  Banks use a communication system called SWIFT to send and receive messages. The Bank Identifier Code or short BIC serves as a unique identifier for all banks on the SWIFT network. You should be able to see the BIC of your own bank on your paper bank statement. 
-The International Bank Account Number or IBAN is a bank account number in a format that makes it internationally unique and recognisable. Your own IBAN should be displayed on your paper bank statement. Normally your own account number is a suffix of your IBAN. +The International Bank Account Number or IBAN is a bank account number in a format that makes it internationally unique and recognisable. Your own IBAN should be displayed on your paper bank statement and banking card. Normally your own account number is a suffix of your IBAN. 
 Since July 2003, payments in the European Union that are in euros and that specify both the BIC along with the IBAN of the beneficiary must be treated and charged as domestic payments. Note also that this applies to payments in euros only, not the other currencies.  Since July 2003, payments in the European Union that are in euros and that specify both the BIC along with the IBAN of the beneficiary must be treated and charged as domestic payments. Note also that this applies to payments in euros only, not the other currencies. 
-So, when you want to pay cross border electronically, usually your bank will require you to select a non domestic payment on the first web form. On the next form, you should be able to enter the BIC and IBAN of the beneficiary. Optionally, your bank may require you to enter the address of the beneficiary. Of course, you must specify the amount in euros as well. +So, when you want to pay cross border electronically, usually your bank will require you to select a non domestic payment on the first web form. On the next form, you should be able to enter the BIC and IBAN of the beneficiary. Of course, you must specify the amount in euros as well. 
-The necessary data that you will or might need to book your entrance fee for our megagames from abroad are: +The necessary data that you will or might need to book your entrance fee for our megagames are:
 //Beneficiary// //Beneficiary//
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-The fee for a megagame is €25,-- for a player and €12,50 for an umpire.+The fee for a megagame is €20,-- for a player and €10,-- for an umpire. If you want to receive your game material not only by email but also in print, we ask you to pay an additional €5,-- fee to cover the costs of printing and postage.
how_to_pay.1400589217.txt.gz · Last modified: 2014/05/20 12:33 by marcs